Hair Loss Treatment, Causes - Is Hair Loss Normal

We have a lot of hair if not million of them is found in the scalp. It is said that the natural crown of our beauty is our hair especially with women. But what if you are already beginning to lose that crown? Is hair loss normal?

Hair Loss and Growth

Hair Loss

Before we could understand hair loss, we should fist know how our hair grows. For two to six years, our hair grows. That is a normal cycle. In that cycle, hair grows approximately one centimeter a month. In the scalp about 90 percent of the hair is in an active phase or are growing while the remaining 10 percent is resting. After about two to three months, that 10 percent starts to fall. But there is nothing to worry because normally, new hair grows and replace their places in the scalp.

Hair loss is normal. It is part of the cycle and everyday is a part of it; as such a person could lose a portion of his or her hair everyday. Moreover, it is a phenomenon experienced by all people, women and men alike, regardless of age and race. However, there are people that experience excessive loss aside from their normal hair growth and loss cycle.

Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

There are so many things that could cause baldness. A major illness like cancer or a surgery can cause a large amount of hair to fall. However, this is temporary. After recovery from the stress of the illness, the hair growth cycle could be restored to normal.

Hormonal imbalances like in the thyroid gland can also cause excessive loss. An overactive or inactive thyroid can also cause loss. Also the imbalances in the female hormone estrogen and male hormone androgen are also known to be causes of hair loss. It is only when the imbalances are corrected that the hair loss may stop.

Another cause that is still related to hormonal imbalances is experienced by women after giving birth. During pregnancy, the body produces hormones that keep the hair of the mother from falling and disturbs the cycle. However, three months after child birth, the cycle goes back to normal.

Some medicines like anticoagulants, birth control pills antidepressants and excessive vitamin A can also call massive hair fall. Fungal infections in the scalp are also one cause; though it is not proven that dandruff, a scalp ailment cause by fungi, is directly related to loss.

Improper Care of Hair

Loss of Hair is also affected with the improper care of hair of an individual. Wearing ponytails, cornrows, or tight rollers can cause a type of hair fall called traction alopecia. In this case, the hairs are pulled and losses their strength. It is only when the pulling is stopped that the excessive fall will discontinue and the hair grows normally. Also, the use of chemicals on the hair is one of the causes of hair fall. These chemicals cause the scalp to swell thus inflaming the follicles and scarring the scalp.

Hair Loss to Baldness

Hair loss can lead to permanent baldness if not treated properly. Men lose more hair than women that is why the term common baldness usually means male-pattern baldness>. This type of hair loss in men is usually affected by genes and is inherited. The most common is in receding hairline from the top of the head. In women, female-pattern baldness is characterized by thinner hair over time in the entire scalp.

Treatment for Excessive Hair Loss

Science and technology have already developed a lot of treatment for hair loss. There are shampoos specifically designed to control hair fall. For the male and female pattern hair loss, there are prescribed drugs or medication to control the hormones that causes it.

Other measures like hair implants, surgery and laser treatments could also be done to reverse the effect of loss of hair.

Hair Loss Treatment, Causes - Is Hair Loss Normal

Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. For more information read about Hair Loss Treatment at Herbal Remedies website. Also read about Home Remedies for Baldness

Hair Loss Treatment & Natural Hair Loss Prevention

One of the most effective hair loss treatment options involves safe, natural ways to stop the loss of hair as well as promote new hair growth, without the potential adverse reactions of prescription medications.

There are a number of natural vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and other powerful nutrients that have been shown to be quite effective in the war against baldness.

Hair Loss

What causes us to lose hair?

A variety of factors play a role in hair loss, including stress, nutrient deficiencies, free radical damage (toxins) and a lack of antioxidants. Hormone levels and heredity also influence the onset and severity of hair loss.

The majority of men suffering from baldness or thinning hair have a condition known as androgenetic alopecia, caused by an accumulation of DHT, a chemically-altered version of the hormone testosterone. DHT blocks hair follicles and inhibits new growth.

How do natural hair loss solutions work?

As the buildup of DHT is a major cause of baldness, natural hair loss treatment focuses on vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts that can inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. As a result, there are lower levels of DHT in the scalp, reducing further hair loss.

Let's take a look at some of the most effective natural hair loss solutions:

Saw Palmetto - this powerful extract has been shown to reduce DHT levels and unblock hair follicles. It is also helpful in preventing prostate problems, which are also due to DHT accumulation.

Gotu Kola - this hair loss remedy can simulate hair and nail growth. It can remove scar tissue blocking new hair and strengthen connective tissues around follicles.

Nettles - can be applied topically or internally to stimulate growth and prevent baldness. This hair loss treatment can also darken gray hair and improve follicle strength.

Vitamin B6 - a deficiency can lead to increased hair loss. Vitamin B family are important for maintaining hair health

Magnesum & Zinc - two very important minerals for stimulating and maintaining hair growth and reducing thinning hair and baldness.

All of these nutrients can be used for hair loss prevention as well as promoting hair health and regrowth. They can be found as individual supplements, but may be more effective in comprehensive formulas where the nutrients can work together and enhance their therapeutic benefits.

The best part of natural hair loss treatment is that you can avoid the potential side effects of prescription hair loss medications, which have been known to cause irritation, oily skin, acne breakouts and in some cases, sexual problems including impotence and decreased libido.

Learn about natural hair loss treatment and discover how you may be able to stop hair loss and promote new growth today without taking prescription drugs.

Hair Loss Treatment & Natural Hair Loss Prevention

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and editor of several health sites, including Herbal Supplements Guide and Crohns Disease Treatment & Information.

To learn more about natural hair loss treatment just follow the link provided.

Female Hair Loss Treatments to Stop Hair Loss in Women Fast

There are several female hair loss treatments in the market today. Are you wondering what product is really best for women to reverse hair thinning fast?

Women have been suffering from hair loss since ancient times. This is the reason why during the old times, various natural treatments and oil-based home remedies were concocted by our ancestors.

Hair Loss

Contemporary medical studies have dedicated time and research to find ways to revitalize "dead" follicles of hair, so that hair regrowth treatments can easily induce your system to stimulate healthy hair follicles.

Thus, a number of hair regrowth products became accessible, either by prescription and over-the-counter. They are usually promoted on radio and television and all over the internet.

Probably the most well known is Rogaine, which is readily accessible at any pharmacy. It is offered in two kinds, for males and females, to address their respective hair problems differently.

Most scientifically-produced hair loss treatments do have individual products for females and males, because, naturally, human hormones in each will vary and of different degrees.

One more solution made up of minoxidil is Provillus, and, again, reports has established it to be effective.

The difference between Provillus and other women hair loss treatments is the Azelaic Acid, that was added by its manufacturers. It is an extra element which appears to enhance the hair foillicle restoration in both men and women.

Provillus is the subject of numerous research. Like Rogaine, it is also offered separately for men and women. The treatment is a mixture of a topical liquid which you will need to put on the balding patches on your head.

There is also a pill or capsule to be taken side by side with the liquid application. The critical step to the success of improving your hair, according to its makers, is the addition of the azelaic acid, however, the precise volume of this acid is most critical for this treatment to work.

As with many female hair loss treatments, it may take some time like 3-6 months before you see any really positive results. That is why the makers recommend fortitude and a bit of patience when using their product and soon you'll finally be saving your crowning glory.

Female Hair Loss Treatments to Stop Hair Loss in Women Fast

If you don't stop hair loss now, you will start looking old and struggling for self confidence. Learn about the best hair loss supplements today, all you have to do is CLICK HERE

Hair Loss - Regrowth Treatments to Grow Hair Fast and Naturally

By the time most women and men reach middle age, they will have experienced some form of hair loss. Regrowth treatments can help slow this process down. You may be overwhelmed by the seemingly endless supply of thinning hair treatments on the market. You can narrow your search by eliminating the medicated treatments because they contain chemicals which can jeopardize your health if they are used for the long term. Natural treatments are a lot less risky and can offer the same results.

Consult a Physician
When it comes to treating hair loss, regrowth products are designed to treat specific conditions. This is why it is important for you to first find out why you are losing your hair. Your physician can run some tests to determine the cause of your thinning hair.

Hair Loss

The loss of hair is usually the body's way of signaling that there is a medical condition which needs to be addressed. It is important for you to take care of your health. This will make it easier for you to grow hair.

Thinning hair can be a symptom of illnesses such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, lupus, anemia, and stress.

Androgenic Alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is the main cause of thinning hair in both women and men. It is linked to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone destroys the hair follicles. As a result, the strands begin to fall out. New strands cannot grow in because the follicles are no longer able to function. The end result is a long slow process of hair loss. Regrowth products for this condition will reduce the production of DHT.

Natural Treatments for Hair Loss and Regrowth
Olive oil can stimulate growth. It penetrates the scalp to lift dirt and bacteria which can clog the follicles and prevent the strands from growing.

Green tea contains compounds which prevent DHT from forming in the body. It works best if it is applied directly to the scalp.

Vitamin B is another effective treatment for hair loss. Regrowth occurs as the vitamin strengthens the strands by helping them maintain their cellular structure.

Hair Loss - Regrowth Treatments to Grow Hair Fast and Naturally

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your hair loss as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.
Learn more about choosing an effective thinning hair treatment and preventing baldness.


Hair Treatments For Thickening Hair - Homemade Thickening Hair Masks

I am a big advocate for deep conditioning treatments and hair masks. Hair masks are very effective in adding moisture, strength, softness, and shine to your hair. They allow for deep penetration of nutrients needed for hair thickening, hair growth, and nourishment ultimately resulting in healthy locks. Some of the best thickening hair products can be made at home yourself. Homemade hair treatments such as masks give you control over what you're putting on your fine strands and scalp. They also provide a lot of fun as you are able to experiment with different natural ingredients such as fruit, essential oils, and organic extracts. To improve effectiveness and to optimize results, use the following recipes at least once a week.

Thickening and Nourishing Recipe

\"hair Thinning\"

Take one ripe banana and mash creating a thick consistency, mix in one egg and blend until smooth, use a hand mixer if possible. Add one half cup of flat beer, then a tablespoon of honey, and blend for a creamy consistency. Apply the conditioning mask generously ensuring that you've applied to all of your hair as well as the scalp. Let this sit on your hair for a few hours and then use a mild shampoo when ready to wash out.

Natural Protein Recipe for Thicker Hair

Use this all-natural conditioner to pump up the volume on those fine locks by applying plain mayonnaise with a beaten egg. To add some moisture, mix in a little honey and olive oil (about a tablespoon of each). Let this sit on your main for 30 minutes and shampoo it out with a moisturizing shampoo. Remember that this recipe has quite a bit of protein which can make the hair a little stiff and hard. It is critical that after shampooing that you proceed with a moisturizing conditioner. This ensures that you won't experience dryness which can lead to breakage.

De-Frizz Recipe

Does your tresses have frizz? Don't worry this recipe is sure to have those frizzies tamed in no time! To make this de-frizz mask take ½ cup of honey, ½ cup of yogurt and one tablespoon of almond oil. Combine the ingredients together and massage in to hair from root to ends. Let this sit for twenty minutes before washing out with a mild shampoo.

Egg and Beer Homemade Hair Mask

Yep, here's another recipe that calls for beer. Why beer? Beer has properties that help to thicken thin hair, gives the appearance of fullness with volume, and succulence! It also contains proteins that provide shine as well as make the hair look healthy! Take one egg and separate the yoke from the white. Using only the yolk, blend with about 50ML of beer, ensuring that they are mixed very well. Apply to damp hair, cover with a plastic shower cap, wrap head with a towel and let sit for 30 minutes. Then shampoo the mixture out, rinse well, and proceed with applying a moisturizing conditioner.

Tip: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Hair Treatments For Thickening Hair - Homemade Thickening Hair Masks

I am an African American woman who started a website for the purpose of teaching women about healthy hair care practices for thin and fine hair. I have learned so much on my healthy hair journey and want to share it with as many women as possible.

Bald Head Treatment - 1 Great Method For Hair Regrowth

Being bald, for many, is a great limitation. It limits your appearance for one thing, and can greatly affect how you feel about yourself, especially if you're bald at an early age. The outcome of such a thing will spark interest in those people if there is any kind of bald head treatment they can use on their hair loss. In here you'll find a great method to reverse hair loss and regrow lost hair.

If you're bald, chances are you've tried using some kind of bald head treatment in your life, probably with no real success at all, hence why you're bald. This is because common hair loss drugs don't work on all hair loss sufferers. This is when you must turn to a more holistic method that works very well on many many hair loss patients.


Here's the best way to regrow hair
Take some saw palmetto oil, rosemary oil, ginger oil, lavender oil, and jojoba oil. Take some Aloe Vera Gel and put some in a small cup. Now take the essential oils, and drop about 5 drops of each oil onto the aloe vera gel. Mix it well until it looks semi orangy. The main ingredient in this mix is the saw palmetto oil, its purpose is to reduce dihydrotestosterone in your body, which is the main cause of hair loss and all forms alopecia areata.
Now take this formula, and apply it gently on your hair and scalp. It's vital for this formula to be on your head for at least an hour, that way your scalp will absorb all of the beneficial properties from each of the oils. Aloe vera also has hair regrowth properties as it's main purpose is to nourish your hair shafts and follicles.
After you apply the formula, gently massage your scalp for about 5 minutes, this increases stimulation on your scalp and improves absorption. Instead of rubbing through your hair, simply move your skin on your scalp in a circular motion, if you rub through your hairs you could risk accidentally pulling them out. Rubbing your scalp in a circular motion is many times more effective in stimulating blood flow and virtually zero risk of pulling any hair out.
This bald head treatment is not a miracle cure, but you may believe it is when you see the results. You will not regrow all of your hair overnight, this method requires several weeks before you see any significant change in your hair. Just keep at it, do this twice every day and before you know it your hair will be thicker, longer, and stronger.
Bald Head Treatment - 1 Great Method For Hair Regrowth

To find out more how Ernie cured his Hair Loss be sure to visit How To Cure Balding for fast and effective tips to reversing hair loss.

Female Thinning Hair Treatments for African American Women - Regrow Hair Fast

Maintaining a full and healthy head of hair can be a major struggle for African American women. This is partly because many black women put a lot of heat and chemicals on their strands to straighten them out. Another reason women lose their hair is because nature is taking its course. Nearly half of all women will notice that their strands are thinning by the time they turn 40. The good news is there are natural female thinning hair treatments which are simple to use and will allow you to regrow hair fast.

Causes of Female Hair Loss
Hair loss can be your body's way of telling you that something just isn't right. Female thinning hair can be a symptom of an illness such as lupus, anemia, an under active thyroid, or an over active thyroid. Make an appointment with your physician or a licensed dermatologist. This professional can do some tests to pinpoint the cause of your loss of hair. Make sure you are in good health before you start looking for treatments to regrow hair. The healthier you are, the more likely you are to have success in growing your strands back.

\"loss Hair\"

Sometimes women lose hair due to sudden changes in their hormonal levels. This can occur following childbirth or during menopause. Sometimes these situations will correct themselves with time.
Female Pattern Baldness
Androgenic alopecia, also known as female pattern baldness, is the leading cause of female thinning hair. It is linked to an excessive amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. DHT is a hormone women produce in their ovaries. It weakens the follicles causing the strands to fall out.
African American Female Thinning Hair Treatments
African American hair is more vulnerable to dryness than other hair types. This is because black hair tends to have tight kinks or curls. These curls prevent natural oils which are produced in the scalp from reaching the roots. For this reason, black women must take extra steps to make sure their strands are properly moisturized.
Vitamin E oil is great for African American hair. It moisturizes the strands and prevents breakage. It also helps increase blood flow to the scalp. The blood carries vitamins and nutrients to the roots as it travels to the scalp so this is a great way to make sure your strands are receiving the nutrients they need in order to grow.
Green tea is a good treatment for female thinning hair, especially if the hair loss is caused by female pattern baldness. This herb curbs the production of DHT allowing the strands to grow back.
Female Thinning Hair Treatments for African American Women - Regrow Hair Fast

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your hair loss as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.
Learn more about choosing effective hair loss treatments and preventing baldness.